Friday, February 29, 2008

Weekend Story

hehhe... yeah last week, all of us went to the beach for kayaking. hehhe.. it was quite scary at the starting but then as i was peddling and peddling more and more, deeper and deeper from the beach, i can't imagine i was quite far from the beach. it was a good experience. On top of that, we got a lot of food also as the place that we went during that time, there is dunno what company was there playing paintball. it was good and worth our money. :)

will post up some picture as im using my friends MacBook. hehhe... :P will trust GOD to provide me a MacBook.. hehhee... tis comp vv easy to use and it good man.. :) tmr I will be going to Georgetown to do evangelism. darnnn... given only RM10 bucks only.. and the duration of time i need to be there is from 9AM to 7 PM.. and then we are not suppose to bring any money.. POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRR...... got to have faith and trust in the LORD. :) 

will upload the pictures later... :) 

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