Friday, July 21, 2006

YQ is coming soon..

yup.. youth quake is coming soon.. thank GOD it does not clash wif planetshakers conference!! hahha... anyway, itz has been a busy week.. i guess.. wif assignment coming up and due dates coming soon.. dinner plate is serving bigger and bigger.. heheh.. i mean more and more of work load coming.. and also exams coming soon.. dammmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... shit got to sit for like 4 papers.. dammm... crap... sotong.. so many paper.. dammmmmmmmmmmmm...

anyway.. tomolo will be going for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. hope its gud.. tis sunday will also be going for tat ship ship thingy.. duolos..

will post more once i come back.. heheh.

till then...

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